Thursday, February 27, 2014

Haiku is a very popular form of poetry. It is simple in structure and yet forces the mind to care for words and syllables. I often use it as an introduction to poetry when I am working with kids in grade schools because it is less intimidating than many other forms and yet still gives them a sense of structure. (Three lines, five, seven and five syllables).

Originally, haikus usually focused on nature and the seasons, but in recent  years there seems to have developed a sense that any subject matter can apply. Red Sox fans spent weeks, a few years ago, sending in baseball haikus to the TV announcers. It was a slow season and everyone had fun writing about it.

In Sensory Haiku ( In the Cat's Eye, 2009) I chose four haikus that dealt with our senses. Although they deal primarily with sight and sound, they also provide a small message for that "sixth" sense that makes poetry so much fun.

Glenn K. Currie


Sensory Haiku

 A lonely bell buoy

Searches in the silent fog

Tolling for lost souls.

Flags fly everywhere,

Burning the air with color,

Red, white and blue fire.

In the morning mist

Everything is beautiful.

Misterious light.

The clap of thunder.

Applause for lightning’s flashes

Of striking brilliance.


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