Sunday, December 20, 2015

I wrote “A Christmas Prayer” a few years ago and included it in my poetry collection In the Cat’s Eye (Snap Screen Press, 2009). Unfortunately, it has seemed to apply every year since. We can only pray that, one day, a Star in the East will shine down on all of us, and make this prayer come true.

In the meantime, may God bless all of you, everywhere, and teach us how to truly bring “goodwill” to the world.

Glenn K. Currie.

A Christmas Prayer

We exist in a dark age.
A time where horrible things
Are done unto each other
In the name of religion.

Help us to find passage
To religions’ true teachings.
To end the hatred,
The explosions of hearts and minds.

Let quiet words create a gentle breeze
That blows away
The acrid scent of burning anger,
The smoke that blinds the soul.

And in this season
 Where presents are exchanged so freely,
Help us to begin to find
That gift born within each of us.

Give us the vision to see the light
That shines in the body electric.
That glow emitted by the human spirit
That can reach the farthest stars.

Give us the wisdom
To use that internal flame
 To find our way onto a new path,
And into a new world.

To that promised land
Where lions lie down with lambs,
And there is Peace on Earth
Goodwill to Men.

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