Susanne and I saw Jewel perform last night in Wilmington, Deleware. It was a small venue, a few hundred people, and she did a two hour, one-woman show. It is hard to believe she is forty, but her voice and songs are better than ever. She still looks great, and the range of her voice is still amazing. the real deal. If you are ever fortunate enough to have the chance to see a performance, run, don't walk, to get tickets. I know that is what I did yesterday when we arrived here and learned that she would be performing that evening.
You will see few performances on this level. I can't think of a single other major female performer today who could captivate an audience for two straight hours with no bells and whistles to support them. She sang Over the Rainbow acapella to begin and the rest of the show with just a guitar. She never even sat down.
She has been through it all and that brings real depth to someone who still manages to have a sense of humor and can still deliver her songs with the full range from innocence to disappointment to anger to redemption.