Thursday, February 12, 2015

Iris (In the Cat’s Eye, 2009) is the third poem in the flower trilogy. It is about beauty captured and beauty lost.

The memory of a beautiful flower can stay with us long after the blossom has faded.

In the end, all that any of us can hope for is that we too are remembered for images that stand out against the darkness of the surrounding forest.

Glenn K. Currie


Iris danced
In a sun-drenched field
At the edge of a dark wood.

They rocked
To a careless breeze
That blew a hundred years ago.

The artist’s eye
Had captured them
In the immortality of youth.

Now they lay trapped
Beneath a pane of glass,
Too old to dance.

The once-bright blues and yellows,
Slowly fading into the wall
Of my mother’s hospital room.

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